ESLint Configuration (~2018 - Present)
The culmination of opinionated rules I’ve used since ~2018 for consistent styling of JavaScript.
Jethro - Logging Utility (2013 - Present)
Jethro is a Node.js logging utility with a modular design enabling a variety of input sources and output destinations.
Twitchlie - Twitch API (2020)
Twitch provides access to its chat interface through the IRC protocol, and access to additional bits/badges and user information through an HTTP API. Twitchlie is a WIP ES6 Node.js API unifying and abstracting access to these interfaces for the creation of bots and other programs, including Twitchillionaire.
Twitchillionaire - Streamer Bot (2020)
Twitchillionaire is an application for a streamer to play the “Who wants to be a millionaire” gameshow. The application comprises a frontend canvas which the game assets are drawn to and can overlay the stream, and a backend with a Twitchlie bot and a WebSocket connection to the frontend.
The application can be preloaded with questions that are chosen at random when the host starts a new game. Game features include automatic 50⁄50, point tracking and audience voting through chat commands.
Arby - Autonomous Robot (2020)
Arby is an autonomous robot built utilising Arduino and Tinkerforge hardware with 3D printed chassis and drive-train that I designed.
Simple Noise Terrain Generator (2018)
A simple noise 2D terrain generator.
Genetic Async (2018)
A Node.js application for deploying a genetic algorithm across a distributed compute cluster, utilising Redis and MongoDB for interprocess communication and population storage.
Cakebot (2015)
A moderation bot written for the Just A Chill Room community. Features included chat moderation, media/song control, event management and automatic moderation actions.